Stained glass restoration is a meticulous and time-intensive process. Because of this, we usually try to complete repairs in our studio, where we can access all of the tools we need and work in a climate controlled environment. However, we realize this is not always possible. If the building is in use, it may not be desirable to have the stained glass removed for a prolonged period of time. The good news is, there are ways to work around this. A good example is the restoration project we completed for Rose Hills Memorial Chapel. Below, we’ve discussed the project in detail.
Stained Glass Restoration for a Memorial Chapel
Many funeral services take place in memorial chapels. Chapels are quiet, comforting settings where people can attend funeral services in privacy and engage in their chosen form of spirituality.
The Rose Hills Memorial Chapel is a beautiful building located in a park. It’s surrounded by gardens and a lush hilltop setting. During funeral services, visitors are able to gaze upon a set of stunning Dalle de Verre stained glass windows. The presence of light and color radiating from the stained glass is comforting. It is one of the main features of the building.
That’s why when the stained glass started showing signs of deterioration, the owners became very concerned. They knew repairs must be made, and soon to avoid safety concerns like glass pieces falling out. But at the same time, they did not want to have the windows missing from the chapel. They needed to be able to continue to use the building as normal.
Repair Methods & Techniques
We worked with the church to devise a solution that would allow the chapel to remain in operation. We came up with a plan to complete the repairs onsite. We decided to remove one small section of the stained glass at a time. In the meantime, we copied the design of the stained glass onto a light-diffusing film. Then, we installed the film in place of the missing section. This allowed the window to retain its normal appearance. We did this over and over again as we repaired each individual section.
To repair the Dalle Glass, we cut away all of the old grouting. This was crumbling and needed to be replaced. Then, we rebuilt the windows using a stronger grouting of a similar profile. This allowed us to reuse the original glass and operate in a conservative manner. We replaced only what was necessary, which in this case, was the compromised cement grouting.
Completing these repairs helped to strengthen the stained glass. It also helped to resolve safety concerns about glass pieces falling out. The chapel owners were very happy with this outcome and so were we!
Learn More About Our Services
For more information on our stained glass restoration services, please contact our office directly.