Does your commercial property have its own stained glass feature? Whether it’s a historic, antique stained glass window that’s original to the property or a newer stained glass feature that’s become an iconic staple for your business, it’s always important to be aware of the different maintenance and upkeep requirements for stained glass. In order to keep your stained glass in the best condition possible, you’ll likely encounter one of these three services: repair, restoration, or replacement. So what are the differences and which service is for you?

Stained Glass Repair, Restoration, or Replacement: The Differences Among Stained Glass Services

  • Stained glass repair: If your stained glass has some small damages like cracked glass, scratches, etc. then you’ll likely need repair. Repairs can usually be conducted on-site and don’t require a full removal. Stained glass repair helps keep your piece in good condition while prolonging the periods of time needed in between restorations.
  • Stained glass restoration: Stained glass deteriorates just like everything else in life. Restoration is needed every 75 years to 100 years in order to properly preserve your stained glass. The right restoration should add at least another century to your stained glass’ lifespan.
  • Stained glass replacement: If you no longer want your stained glass or would like a different design, replacement will be required. Replacement is the most costly out of the three and should only be chosen if you no longer want to keep your stained glass.

Work with the Nation’s Leading Commercial Stained Glass Repair Studio

Commercial Art Glass is honored to be the leading commercial stained glass repair studio serving the nation. We offer comprehensive repair, restoration, and replacement services and would love to help your commercial property through this process. For more information regarding commercial stained glass repair, restoration, or replacement for your business, please contact us!